Wednesday 22 December 2010

That's just wrong Wednesdays.

First off I just have to ask, am I the only one who mentally says Wed-nes-day in their head before typing the word?

This is a new weekly block I am starting called "That's Just Wrong Wednesdays",  in the posts I will show pictures of several fashion don'ts I have found over the week, scrolling through the internet. They will repeat every Wednesday. I will try to be as consistent with this as possible, but as you all know life happens.

When I see these shoes the only thing I can even think is wtf and not as in Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Really? Heelless shoes? Why? And who made them? Oh yeah, Antonio Berardi, and they cost $3300. Who would buy them? Gwyneth Paltrow, Uma Thurman, and Victoria Beckham, all did back in 08. 


My first question is why would you need these? Are you going as a post-modern interpretation of the giant squid from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? Yeah, didn't think so. I am sure you already guessed it, but this is found on and can be yours for a mere $24.00 and shipping. 


Oh, we have a love hate relationship, as you are an eternal mealting-pot of crap/awesomeness all online. Are you there just for my entertainment? If so I love you! This tote-thing is based off of a bag Miley Cyrus was spotted touting, which by all means means it should be burned. 

That is all for this week. The amount of content in these posts will vary from week to week. Check back regularly to see if we have posted any new stuff. Kieran and I have both decided to be more active, so keep checking!



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